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Integration How To


This document explains how to develop an integration for FieldTwin. An integration is a web page, which is loaded inside the main interface of FieldTwin through an iFrame.

There are two kinds of integrations:

  1. global, these integrations are loaded when the application starts, and are kept alive through the whole life cycle of the application. These can receive a message when a project is created or deleted from the Dashboard.
  2. local, these integrations are loaded only when a project is opened. They only receive messages that relate to the project that is currently open. These generally have a user interface (UI) which is visible in FieldTwin Design's main interface, but integrations aren't required to have a UI. In this document, integrations without a UI are referred to as headless.

Setting up an integration

You need to be the administrator of an account to be able to setup a new integration.

Link: FieldTwin Online Documentation

By default, and for security reasons, an integration receives a JWT that only gives access to the sub project the user is currently editing. Through the administration panel, you can also:

  • Give access to the whole project, all of its sub projects
  • Give access to all the projects a user can access across the account

How to serve an integration for use in FieldTwin

Depending on how the integration was setup, FieldTwin will create an iFrame that either generates a GET or a POST request to the integration URL.

This request will contain the following attributes:

token, frontendUrl, backendUrl, stream, subProject, project, account, canEdit, projectWideAccess, projectAllFromUser

  • As query parameters for GET
  • As the request body for POST
attribute description
token Security token (JWT) needed for making a FieldTwin API call
frontendUrl URL of the window that contains the iframe. Also the link for viewing the subproject
backendUrl URL of the FieldTwin backend. Use this as the base of the JWT public key URL and the API URL
stream In FieldTwin 8.0 and later - the ID of the subproject branch
subProject The currently open sub project ID
project The currently open project ID
account The ID of the account that contains the project
canEdit Whether the user's role enables 'edit' rights for the integration. To be handled by the integration itself, FieldTwin does not enforce this
projectWideAccess Whether the integration is granted access to the whole project (not just the current sub project)
projectAllFromUser Whether the integration is granted access to all of the current user's projects in the account

token is a JWT and contains information about the user and user rights. You can parse it with any JWT library but to be secure you must ensure that the token has been signed by FieldTwin. The public key to validate this can be found at: https://backend.[name-of-instance]

The FieldTwin API can be accessed using https://backend.[name-of-instance] so for the API access is Link: FieldTwin API Online Documentation.

Integration example, using NodeJS + Express:

const express = require('express')

const app = express()


// POST verb'/', function (request, response) {
      <h1>TOKEN: ${request.body.token}</h1>
      <h1>PROJECT ID:${request.body.project}</h1>
      <h1>SUB-PROJECT ID:${request.body.subProject}</h1>

// or ...

// GET verb
app.get('/', function (request, response) {
      <h1>TOKEN: ${request.query.token}</h1>
      <h1>PROJECT ID:${request.query.project}</h1>
      <h1>SUB-PROJECT ID:${request.query.subProject}</h1>


This example webserver will reply to a POST request on /, and return HTML that contains the token sent by FieldTwin.

Note that this reference implementation depends on npm install express

If you do not have access to a nodejs backend, and just want to have a one page integration, you can receive these same attributes by listening for the window message loaded.

Refreshing the JWT

By default the JWT has an expiration time of one (1) hour after it was created. You can refresh the token by calling this endpoint: https://backend.[name-of-instance] You pass the JWT the usual way (using header Authentication: Bearer ${JWT}) and you receive back a JSON object with the new JWT inside the attribute token.

Since FieldTwin 5.5, a new message is posted by the application to the integration tokenRefresh that passes a new JWT, so if you handle this message you do not need to refresh the token.

Generate a JWT using an API token

It is possible to generate a JWT using an API token. In FieldTwin 8.0+ this needs to be an API token that is not restricted to a user role.

Send a POST request to this endpoint: https://backend.[name-of-instance] You pass the API token the usual way (using header token: [API Token]). The body of the request must contain:

  • userId : ID of the user the JWT will be generated for.
  • optional subProjectId : ID of the sub project the JWT will be generated for. Usually required. If blank, generates a JWT that can be used to call a limited number of account related API calls.
  • optional customTabId : integration ID to generate the token for. Integration ID can be looked up by an API call or in the account settings.

On success, the query returns a JSON object that contains an attribute token containing a JWT for the requested user.

User rights management

Within the JWT passed to the integration, there is an attribute userRights that contains what the user has access to. These rights will be enforced by the API you are using, but in case you need to check them, this is the list of possible values:

  • Account
  • canAdminAccount: User is an administrator of the account
  • Project
  • canCreateProject: User can create project
  • canCloneProject: User can clone an existing project
  • Generic rights
  • canAdmin: User is an administrator of the project, if this is true, user can also edit everything
  • canEdit: User can edit the project, if this is true, user can edit everything
  • Connections
  • canViewConnections: User can view connections
  • canViewConnectionsMetaData: User can view connections meta data
  • canViewConnectionsCosts: User can view connections costs
  • canEditConnections: User can edit connections
  • canEditConnectionsMetaData: User can edit connections meta data
  • canEditConnectionsCosts: User can edit connections costs
  • Staged assets
  • canViewStagedAssets
  • canViewStagedAssetsMetaData
  • canViewStagedAssetsCosts
  • canEditStagedAssets
  • canEditStagedAssetsMetaData
  • canEditStagedAssetsCosts
  • Layers
  • canViewLayers
  • canViewLayersMetaData
  • canViewLayersCosts
  • canEditLayers
  • canEditLayersMetaData
  • canEditLayersCosts
  • Text Layers
  • canViewOverlays
  • canEditOverlays
  • Ports
  • canViewPorts
  • canEditPorts
  • Shapes
  • canViewShapes
  • canViewShapesMetaData
  • canEditShapes
  • canEditShapesMetaData
  • Wells
  • canViewWells
  • canViewWellsMetaData
  • canViewWellsCosts
  • canEditWells
  • canEditWellsMetaData
  • canEditWellsCosts
  • Activities
  • canViewActivities
  • canViewActivitiesCosts
  • canEditActivities
  • canEditActivitiesCosts
  • Custom Costs
  • canEditCustomCosts
  • canViewCustomCosts
  • Documents
  • canViewDocuments
  • canEditDocuments
  • View Points
  • canEditBookmarks
  • canViewBookmarks

Not all attributes will be present in userRights.
If canEdit is true for the project, you can assume that all canViewThing and canEditThing are true. If canAdmin is true for the project, all canView and canEdit and canCreate are true. If canAdminAccount is true, all other permissions are true.


Follow this link : GitHub Repository

Communication from FieldTwin to integration

The main interface of FieldTwin can send and receive messages from the integration using postMessage.

Here's how an integration can receive these messages from FieldTwin :

window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
  // IMPORTANT: Check the origin of the data!
  if (~event.origin.indexOf('')) {
        if ( instanceof Blob) {
      // this is only use by `exportToGLTF`
    } else {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(, null, 2))
  } else {
    // Not coming from correct origin

Follow this link: Sample

Definition of the different element type that can be sent:

  • for the select event:
  • connection
  • connectionSegment
  • customCost
  • layer
  • overlay
  • shape
  • stagedAsset
  • well
  • wellBore
  • wellBoreSegment
  • for the other events you can also in addition have:
  • bookmark
  • document
  • documentRevision
  • metaDatumValue
  • project
  • subProject

Definition of the different attributes for types can be found in API docs

If is an instance of Blob

This was introduced to handle exportToGLTF message, which export the whole field to GLTF. In this case, the function return a blob which contains the GLTF data. Example :

async function onMessage(message) {
  if ( instanceof Blob) {
    // use library "saveAs" to save the blob to a file
    saveAs(, `export.gltf`)
  } else {
    // handle message as JSON


This event is sent when an integration iframe is fully loaded. It contains information about subProject, project and tokens used to communicate with API. The argument will contain these attributes:

Attribute Decription
event is set to loaded
subProject is set to subproject ID, if a sub project is loaded
stream is set to the subproject branch ID in FieldTwin 8.0 and later
project is set to project ID, if a project is loaded
account is set to account ID, if a project is loaded
token is set to the JWT that the integration can use to query the API
backendUrl the FieldTwin backend URL (JWT public key and API)
frontendUrl the URL hosting the iframe (URL to view the subproject)
canEdit whether the user's role has 'edit' rights for the integration
projectWideAccess whether the JWT grants access to the whole project
projectAllFromUser whether the JWT grants access to all of the current user's projects
selection what is currently selected. Array of object
cssUrl main CSS url
cssThemeUrl current theme CSS url
cloudType azure, gcloud, s3, onpremise
superAdmin true is current user is super admin
projectorUrl FieldTwin projection service URL
designerUrl FieldTwin designer URL
APIServerIsReady if set to true, the API server is ready to receive requests
APIVersion the version of the API server in the form "vx.y" e.g. "v1.10"


This message is sent before the previous JWT expires. It contains a new refreshed JWT that the integration can use to communicate with FieldTwin backend.

Attribute Decription
event is set to tokenRefresh
subProject is set to subProject ID, if a sub project is loaded
project is set to project ID, if a project is loaded
account is set to account ID, if a project is loaded
token is set to the JWT that the integration can use to query the API
backendUrl is set to the address of the backend the JWT is refering to
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected and active in the UI


This message is sent after the integration posted a message getCostQuery. The result will contain these attributes:

Attribute Decription
event is set to costQuery
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected and active in the UI
data is an object that contains:
queryId is the value that you can pass when calling getCostQuery. It allows you to identify a query when posting getCostQuery multiple times
removeEmptyItem do not include items that have no meta data defined
query is the actual query and is composed of :
stagedAssets contains an array of assets and their meta data
connections contains an array of connections and their meta data


When one or more objects are selected in Design, a select event is sent. The event will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to select
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected and active in the UI
id ( obsolete ) unique id of the first selected item
type ( obsolete ) type of the first selected item
cursorPosition {x,y,z} value of cursor where selection happened (values in project space)
data contains an array of selected items
data.[].type contains the type of the selected item
data.[].id unique id of the selected item
data.[].name display name of selected item
data.[].isForeign true if the selected item comes from a linked parent project
data.[].project ID of the parent project when isForeign is true
data.[].subProject ID of the parent subproject when isForeign is true
data.[].stream ID of the parent subproject branch when isForeign is true in FieldTwin 8.0 and later

Example of single selection

  event: "select",
  isFrameActive: true,
  data: [
      type: "stagedAsset",
      id: "-LvCAe-JPACMW-F74Ocs",
      name: "6 Slot Manifold - Diverless Vertical Connection System #1"
  id: "-LvCAe-JPACMW-F74Ocs",
  type: "stagedAsset",
  cursorPosition: {
    x: 665000
    y: 400000
    z: 90

Example of multi-selection

  event: "select",
  isFrameActive: true,
  data: [
      type: "stagedAsset",
      id: "-LvCAe-JPACMW-F74Ocs",
      name: "6 Slot Manifold - Diverless Vertical Connection System #1"
      type: "stagedAsset",
      id: "-LvCAbWf-Rf78H59Rnqj",
      name: "6 Slot Manifold - Diverless Horizontal Connection System #1"
  id: "-LvCAe-JPACMW-F74Ocs",
  type: "stagedAsset",
  cursorPosition: {
    x: 665000
    y: 400000
    z: 90


Sent when the selection is reset (no more items are selected). The event will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to unselect
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected
cursorPosition {x,y,z} value of cursor where unselect click happened (values in project space)


This message is sent after the integration posted a message getProjectData. The result will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to projectData
data contains data about the event
data.project information about the current project
data.project.subProjectName current sub-project name
data.project.subProjectTags aggregation of all sub-project tags
data.project.developmentLocation country defined in the project
data.project.toSeabed seabed depth defined in the project
data.project.CRS CRS used in the project
data.stagedAssets array of information about staged assets
data.stagedAssets.[].id id of staged asset
data.stagedAssets.[].name name of staged asset
data.stagedAssets.[].tags tags of staged asset
data.stagedAssets.[].metaData meta data of staged asset
data.stagedAssets.[].type asset type of staged asset
data.connectionSegments array of information about connections
data.connections.[].id id of connection
data.connections.[].name name of connection
data.connections.[].tags tags of connection
data.connections.[].metaData meta data of connection
data.connection.[].length length of connection
data.connectionSegments array of information about connection segments
data.connectionSegments.[].id id of segment
data.connectionSegments.[].connectionId id of parent connection
data.connectionSegments.[].name name of segment
data.connectionSegments.[].tags tags of segment
data.connectionSegments.[].metaData meta data of segment
data.connectionSegments.[].length length of segment
data.layers array of information about layers
data.layers.[].id id of layer
data.layers.[].name name of layer
data.layers.[].tags tags of layer
data.layers.[].metaData meta data of layer
data.shapes array of information about shapes
data.shapes.[].id id of shape
data.shapes.[].name name of shape
data.shapes.[].tags tags of shape
data.shapes.[].metaData meta data of shape
data.wells array of information about wells
data.wells.[].id id of well
data.wells.[].name name of well
data.wells.[].tags tags of well
data.wells.[].metaData meta data of well
data.wellBores array of information about well bores
data.wellBores.[].id id of bore
data.wellBores.[].wellId id of parent well
data.wellBores.[].name name of bore
data.wellBores.[].tags tags of bore
data.wellBores.[].metaData meta data of bore
data.wellBores.[].length length of bore
data.wellBoreSegments array of information about well bore segments
data.wellBoreSegments.[].id id of segment
data.wellBoreSegments.[].wellBoreId id of parent well bore
data.wellBoreSegments.[].name name of segment
data.wellBoreSegments.[].tags tags of segment
data.wellBoreSegments.[].metaData meta data of segment
data.wellBoreSegments.[].length length of segment


Requests information about project items from the integration. The number of items is limited to 100 and multiple requestInfo may be sent. These requests are sent at initial loading and on selection. It allows for an integration to return some information used in the UI (for now only documentCount). The reply is expected to be sent using replyInfo (see below) and not as a return of this call.

Attribute Description
event is set to requestInfo
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected
data contains data about the event
data.items array of id/type the request is for
data.items.[].id id of the record the request is for
data.items.[].type type of the record the request is for

Example of requestInfo

  event: "requestInfo",
  isFrameActive: true,
  data: {
      type: "wells",
      id: "id_of_the_well"
    }, {
      type: "stagedAssets",
      id: "id_of_the_staged_asset"
    }, {
      type: "assets",
      id: "id_of_the_asset"


The message is sent in response to an integration sending the getViewBox command. It contains the current view box of the application in project coordinates.

Attribute Description
event is set to viewBox
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected
data contains data about the event
data.viewBox viewBox object
data.viewBox.x1 start x in project coordinate of viewbox
data.viewBox.y1 start y in project coordinate of viewbox
data.viewBox.x2 end x in project coordinate of viewbox
data.viewBox.y2 end y in project coordinate of viewbox
  event: "viewBox",
  isFrameActive: true,
  data: {
    viewBox: {
      x1: 100000,
      y1: 450000,
      x2: 120000,
      y2: 470000


This message is sent in response to an integration sending getVisibleResources command. It contains an array of resources ( with minimum information) that are visible at the current camera position.

Attribute Description
event is set to visibleResources
data.resources array of resources
data.resources[].type contains the type of the selected item
data.resources[].id unique id of the selected item
data.resources[].name display name of selected item
data.resources[].isForeign true if the selected item comes from a linked parent project
data.resources[].project ID of the parent project when isForeign is true
data.resources[].subProject ID of the parent subproject when isForeign is true
data.resources[].stream ID of the parent subproject branch when isForeign is true in FieldTwin 8.0 and later
data.resources[].well ID of parent well if resource is a well bore
data.resources[].connection ID of parent connection if resource is a connection segment
data.resources[].wellBore ID of parent well bore if resource is a well bore segment
data.queryId same value defined in getResources query


This message is sent in response to an integration sending getResources command. It contains an array of resources, as defined in didUpdate / didCreate / didDelete attributes section.

Attribute Description
event is set to resources
data contains the raw data of requested items
data.resources array of resources
data.queryId same value defined in getResources query


Sent when a project or subproject is cloned (copied in 8.0).

The event will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to didClone
type type of the cloned item (project or subProject)
id unique ID of the newly created item
data contains the raw data of the newly created item (as for didCreate)
fromSubProjectId only for type subProject, the original subproject ID
fromSubProjectName only for type subProject, the original subproject ID
toSubProjectId only for type subProject, the newly created subproject ID
toSubProjectName only for type subProject, the newly created subproject name
subProjectId only for type subProject, the newly created subproject ID
fromProjectId the original project ID
fromProjectName the original project name
fromAccountId the original account ID
toProjectId the new (type project) or target (type subProject) project ID
toProjectName the new (type project) or target (type subProject) project name
project the new (type project) or target (type subProject) project ID
projectId the new (type project) or target (type subProject) project ID
projectName the new (type project) or target (type subProject) project name
toAccountId the target account ID
idsMap map of original IDs to newly created IDs

didCreate and didCreateFromNetwork

Sent when an item was created.
Contains the same data as didUpdate, except it does not have previousData or diff.

  • didCreate event corresponds to an event triggered in the user's browser
  • didCreateFromNetwork corresponds to a modification to the sub project done through another client or through an API call

The event will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to didCreate or didCreateFromNetwork
see the didUpdate event

didUpdate and didUpdateFromNetwork

Sent when an item was modified.

  • didUpdate event corresponds to an event triggered in the user's browser
  • didUpdateFromNetwork corresponds to a modification to the sub project done through another client or through an API call

The event will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to didUpdate or didUpdateFromNetwork
id unique ID of the updated item
type type of the updated item
data contains the raw data of the updated item
previousData contains the previous raw data of the updated item
diff contains only the attributes that where modified
isFrameActive true if the frame is currently selected
isForeign true if the updated item comes from a linked parent project
project ID of the parent project when isForeign is true
subProject ID of the parent subproject when isForeign is true
stream ID of the parent subproject branch when isForeign is true in FieldTwin 8.0 and later

Example of an overlay updated through the user's client

  event: "didUpdate",
  id: "-LdIy8vwvUsX_A4DC4E3",
  type: "overlay",
  isFrameActive: true,
  data: {
    tags: [],
    text: "BdN \nSouthern Template",
    x: 388998.7275622606,
    y: 5308658.38831538,
    color: "#FFF",
    backgroundColor: "#0000",
    fontSize: 300,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: true,
    subProject: "-LdIy8mGinoxAbbIK1JC"
  previousData: {
    tags: [],
    text: "BdN \nSouthern Template",
    x: 388998.7275622606,
    y: 5308658.38831538,
    color: "#FFF",
    backgroundColor: "#0000",
    fontSize: 300,
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    visible: false,
    subProject: "-LdIy8mGinoxAbbIK1JC"
  diff: {
    visible: false

Example of a metaDataValue updated through the network

  "event": "didUpdateFromNetwork",
  "id": "-LvAW4EZXEXALeigTUzZ",
  "type": "metaDatumValue",
  "isFrameActive": true,
  "data": {
    "type": "string",
    "options": {
      "default": "blue"
    "relateToId": "-K5uq-UAY4FhTHllT1xs",
    "relateToType": "asset",
    "ownerId": "-LvAOzgcvH3CzYP7IYCP",
    "value": "227"
  "previousData": {
    "type": "string",
    "options": { "default": "blue" },
    "relateToId": "-K5uq-UAY4FhTHllT1xs",
    "relateToType": "asset",
    "ownerId": "-LvAOzgcvH3CzYP7IYCP",
    "value": "226"
  "diff": {
    "value": "226"

didDelete and didDeleteFromNetwork

Sent when an item was deleted.
Contains the same data as didUpdate. The data field corresponds to the time of the deletion, so some of the relationships might be set to null. In this case, you will find this information inside the previousData (if it was set previously, so for example if you create and then delete an element, previousData will not be set).

  • didDelete event corresponds to an event triggered in the user browser
  • didDeleteFromNetwork corresponds to a modification to the sub project done through another client or through an API call

The event will contain these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to didDelete or didDeleteFromNetwork
see the didUpdate event

Example for deletion of a custom-cost from network

  "event": "didDeleteFromNetwork",
  "id": "-LvKED-ci3fW07aNMgqh",
  "type": "customCost",
  "data": {
    "tags": [],
    "isValidForCost": true,
    "costObject": {
      "value": 2356,
      "entries": [],
      "costPerDay": 0,
      "currency": "USD",
      "stateText": "User input",
      "stateType": "danger",
      "startDate": "2019-12-09T23:00:00.000Z",
      "endDate": "2019-12-19T23:00:00.000Z",
      "supplier": "subsurface 42"
    "assetName": "custom entry",
    "kind": "SPS",
    "userRight": {
      "cost": true,
      "metaData": true,
      "layer": true,
      "well": true,
      "costGen": "-LvFdcBUG9Ign29XgVw2"
    "subProject": "-LvA9E5njA5MwR38ClmA"

Example for deletion of a connection from client

  "event": "didDelete",
  "id": "-LvAl_FGFuSPZJHdo_Cj",
  "type": "connection",
  "data": {
    "tags": [],
    "isValidForCost": true,
    "costObject": {
      "value": 0,
      "entries": [],
      "costPerDay": 0,
      "costPerLengthUnit": 300,
      "costByLength": true,
      "currency": "USD"
    "showCustomResults": false,
    "customResults": {},
    "designType": null,
    "visible": true,
    "userRight": { "cost": true, "metaData": true, "layer": true, "well": true, "costGen": "-LvFdcBUG9Ign29XgVw2" },
    "bendable": false,
    "fromSocket": "b",
    "toSocket": null,
    "fromCoordinate": { "x": -207.13230953079614, "y": 30.84226897392744, "z": 2.191579 },
    "toCoordinate": { "x": -228.97472122228268, "y": 4.667924202314097, "z": -1200 },
    "intermediaryPoints": [],
    "params": { "type": 2, "label": "Oil Production #2" },
    "renderOrder": 0,
    "showLabel": false,
    "showLength": false,
    "status": null,
    "importParams": {},
    "straight": false,
    "isLocked": false,
    "subProject": null,
    "metaDataValue": [],
    "from": null,
    "to": null
  "previousData": {
    "tags": [],
    "isValidForCost": true,
    "costObject": {
      "value": 0,
      "entries": [],
      "costPerDay": 0,
      "costPerLengthUnit": 300,
      "costByLength": true,
      "currency": "USD"
    "showCustomResults": false,
    "customResults": {},
    "designType": null,
    "visible": true,
    "userRight": { "cost": true, "metaData": true, "layer": true, "well": true, "costGen": "-LvFdcBUG9Ign29XgVw2" },
    "bendable": false,
    "fromSocket": "b",
    "toSocket": null,
    "fromCoordinate": {
      "x": -207.13230953079614,
      "y": 30.84226897392744,
      "z": 2.191579
    "toCoordinate": {
      "x": -228.97472122228268,
      "y": 4.667924202314097,
      "z": -1200
    "intermediaryPoints": [],
    "params": { "type": 2, "label": "Oil Production #2" },
    "renderOrder": 0,
    "showLabel": false,
    "showLength": false,
    "status": null,
    "importParams": {},
    "straight": false,
    "isLocked": false,
    "subProject": "-LvA9E5njA5MwR38ClmA",
    "metaDataValue": ["-LvAl_ca3FLw3YLrIewI", "-LvAlb8fiOTeGCRB4PkT"],
    "from": "-LvAOzgcvH3CzYP7IYCP",
    "to": null
  "diff": {
    "subProject": "-LvA9E5njA5MwR38ClmA",
    "metaDataValue": {
      "0": "-LvAl_ca3FLw3YLrIewI",
      "1": "-LvAlb8fiOTeGCRB4PkT"
    "from": "-LvAOzgcvH3CzYP7IYCP"

didUpdate / didCreate / didDelete attributes


event.type is set to connection.

Attribute Description
bendable true if the connection is using bendable radius
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
costObject Describe cost
costObject.value Cost value
costObject.entries Array of cost entry for cost breakdown
costObject.entries[].cost Cost of the entry
costObject.entries[].description Entry description
costObject.entries[].item Item vendor id
costObject.entries[].notes User notes
costObject.entries[].number Part number
costObject.entries[].quantity Numbers of item (Cost is multiplied by)
costObject.costPerDay Define cost per day (for activity only)
costObject.currency Define currency, taken from the list described in account/project
created Creation date
creator Creator email
customResults Custom results are set by integrations using the Legacy API and allow an integration to display some data relative to the element
designType One of the design from the account assigned to the connection
from Staged asset the connection start from, if any
fromCoordinate 3D coordinate of the start point of the connection
fromSocket Which socket on the from staged asset the connection is connected to
importParams If connection was imported ( WFS, shapefile, etc. ) this JSON object contains all the meta data that were imported with it. This is a key->value store
intermediaryPoints Array of 3d point that define
isInactive true if the connection is not in use anymore (for old connections that are obsolete)
isLocked If locked, the element cannot be edited anymore
isValidForCost true if this element should be used for computing cost
metaDataValue Contains an array of id of meta data value
noHeightSampling If true the connection will not be height sampled
params Parameters
params.type Id of the connection type. Lists of valid types are defined in account and project
params.label Label of the connection, if not set, type name will be used
params.textFollowConnection true if label should follow connection path instead of being a separate entity
params.textFollowConnectionFlip If textFollowConnection, true if the position on the spline (top/bottom) should be flipped
params.textFollowConnectionOffset If textFollowConnection, add an offset to the text position along the connection
params.textFollowConnectionRepetition If textFollowConnection, number of repetitions of the text along the connection
params.textFollowConnectionFlip If textFollowConnection, indicate if the position on the spline (top/bottom) should be flipped
renderOrder Rendering sort order to indicate which connection is on top of the other
showCustomResults true if custom results (integration driven) should be displayed
showLabel true if connection label should be displayed
showLength true if connection length should be displayed
status Status of the connection. This is used by the integration to display visual information about a connection. Value can be warning, danger, primary, success
straight true if the connection is straight
subProject Id of the sub project that contains this connection
tags Array of tags
to Staged asset where the connections ends at, if any
toCoordinate 3D coordinate of the end point of the connection
fromSocket Which socket on the to staged asset the connection is connected to
visible If true, connection is visible

Connection Segment

event.type is set to connectionSegment.

Attribute Description
connection ID of parent connection
subProject ID of subproject containing this item
name Name of the segment (label)
length Length of the segment in the project unit
opacity Opacity of the segment, between 1 (fully opaque) and 0 (fully transparent)
startOffset Starting point of the segment from the connection's "from" point (when relativeToEnd is false)
thickness Rendering thickness
visible If true, segment is visible
relativeToEnd If true, startOffset is from the connection's "to" point
labelVisible If true, label is visible
labelSize Label font size
labelOffsetX Label X offset
labelOffsetY Label Y offset
metaDataValue An array of IDs of attached metadata values

Custom Cost

event.type is set to customCost.

Attribute Description
assetName Name of the custom cost
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
created Creation date
creator Creator email
isValidForCost true if this element should be use for computing cost
kind What the cost relates to
subProject Id of the sub project that contains this cost
tags Array of tags


event.type is set to document.

Attribute Description
fileName Filename of uploaded file (latest file details are in linked documentRevision)
subProject ID of the sub project that contains this document
relateToType Object type the document is linked to - connections, stagedAssets, etc
relateToId Object ID the document is linked to (connection ID, staged asset ID, ...) or null
documentGroupId A group ID relevant when the document is attached to a multiple selection and not a single relateToId
documentGroupCount Number of documents in the group
tags Array of tags
revisions Array of documentRevision IDs stored for this document, oldest first

Document Revision

event.type is set to documentRevision.

Attribute Description
document ID of the parent document record
subProject ID of the sub project that contains this revision
creator Email address of user that uploaded the file
created Timestamp of the upload
url URL to access or download the file (signed and time limited with expiry)
description User's description
documentRevisionId A group ID linking all revisions that refer to the same file revision


event.type is set to layer.

Attribute Description
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
created Creation date
creator Creator email
fileName Original imported file name
geoLocBoundingBox If geo located, information about the layer real world coordinate
METConfiguration MET layer configuration. For now there is no configuration value
arcgisConfiguration ArcGIS layer configuration
gradientPalette If isGradient is true, define the gradient to be used for rendering
gradientPalette.[].a Depth of the gradient step
gradientPalette.[].c Color of the gradient step
heightSample If true, layer will be draped on another layer
heightSamplerLayerId If heightSample, id of the layer this layer will be draped on
isArcGIS If true, this layer is an ArcGIS layer
isBathymetry If true, this layer is a bathymetry
isGeoLoc If true, this layer is geo located
isGradient If true and if isXVB is true, the layer will be rendered as a gradient
isInactive true if the layer is in not in use anymore
isMET If true, this layer is a MET layer
isWMS If true, this layer is a WMS layer
isXVB If true, this layer is a XVB ( 3D ) layer
kind Id of the layer type. These are defined in the account settings
metaDataValue Contains an array of id of meta data value
name Layer name, as displayed in the UI
opacity Opacity of the layer, between 1 (fully opaque) and 0 (fully transparent)
processingState Status of conversion
processingStateMessage Progress message of the conversion
rotation Heading of the layer
scale Scale of the layer
seaBedTextureName If isXVB is true, which texture to apply to render the layer in 3D
seabedColor if isXVB is true, which color to use to render the layer in 3D
useSeabedColor if true use seabedColor instead of seaBedTextureName to render the layer in 3D
subProject Id of the sub project that contains this layer
url URI of the file
urlNormalMap If isXVB is true. URI to the normal map to use to augment rendering
visible Define layer visibility
wmsConfiguration WMS layer configuration
x X offset
y Y offset
z Z offset

Meta Datum Value

A meta datum value is created or modified every time the user edits a meta data in the field. A value is link to a meta data using metaDatumId. event.type is set to metaDatumValue.

Since 5.4 value are not directly attached to a definition directly, but to a definition id, so that mulitple definition can be use.

  1. The existing attribute of the message ( subCategory, subType, ownerId, options ) will reflect the first definition
  2. All the definition are available inside definitions array.
Attribute Description
options Options of the meta data the value refers to. Depends on type. See FieldTwin API
ownerId Id of the element (connection, staged asset, layer, etc.) that holds this value
metaDatumId Id of the meta data this value refers to
relateToId Which id the meta data refers to
relateToType Which type the meta data refers to
name Name of the meta data the value refers to
type Type of the meta data
category If type is asset, and value is a valid asset, category of the asset
subCategory If type is asset, and value is a valid asset, sub category of the asset
subType If type is asset, and value is a valid asset, sub type of the asset
value Actual value
valueBis Some meta data represents two values, this is the second one
definitionId Generic definition id to use across all FieldTwin instances
definitions Array of one or more definition Name of the meta data the value refers to
definitions.type Type of the meta data
definitions.options Options of the meta data the value refers to. Depends on type. See FieldTwin API
definitions.category If type is asset, and value is a valid asset, category of the asset
definitions.subCategory If type is asset, and value is a valid asset, sub category of the asset
definitions.subType Type of the meta data
definitions.metaDatumId of the meta data


event.type is set to project.

Attribute Description
CRS Project coordinate reference system
account Id of the parent account
canOverrideConnectionColor If true user can override connection color
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
collaboration N/A
consents N/A
containsObsoleteAssets If true this project contains at least one obsolete asset
costByLengthIsDefault If true cost for connection is computed by length as default
country Id of the country this project is in
created Creation date
creator Creator email
currencyTypes Array of valid currency for this project
currencyTypes[].id Id of the currency
currencyTypes[].name Name of the currency
currencyTypes[].rate Rate of the currency
customer Id of the customer for this project
dynamicScaleConfiguration Array containing overrride for dynamic scale values
dynamicScaleConfiguration[].factor Dynamic scale factor
dynamicScaleConfiguration[].type Which attribute this value applies to
dynamicScaleConfiguration[].factor Which value of type attribute this value applies to
endDate End date of the project
fieldName Internal field name
havePerProjectAssetPrices IF true, project contains override for asset costs
havePerProjectPrices If true, project contains default prices
name Name of the project
perProjectAssetPrices Array of asset price override
perProjectAssetPrices[].id Id of the asset this cost relates to
perProjectAssetPrices[].cost Cost value
perProjectAssetPrices[].currency Currency of the cost
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries Array of cost entry for cost breakdown
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries[].cost Cost of the entry
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries[].description Entry description
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries[].item Item vendor id
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries[].notes User notes
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries[].number Part number
perProjectAssetPrices[].entries[].quantity Numbers of item (Cost is multiplied by)
perProjectConnectionPrices Per project connection price
perProjectConnectionPrices.{connection id}.value Cost value for {connection id} connection
perProjectCurrencyTypes Extra per project currency
perProjectCurrencyTypes[].id Id of the currency
perProjectCurrencyTypes[].name Name of the currency
perProjectCurrencyTypes[].rate Rate of the currency
perProjectPrices Array of default project cost
perProjectPrices[].assetName Name of the cost
perProjectPrices[].costObject Cost definition
perProjectPrices[].costObject.cost Cost value
perProjectPrices[].costObject.currency Currency of the cost
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries Array of cost entry for cost breakdown
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries[].cost Cost of the entry
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries[].description Entry description
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries[].item Item vendor id
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries[].notes User note
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries[].number Part number
perProjectPrices[].costObject.entries[].quantity Number of items (Cost is multiplied by)
perProjectPrices[].kind Type of the cost
projectConnections Per project connection override
projectCurrency Project currency
projectPhase Id of project phase, if any
projectType Id of project type, if any
projectUnitSystem Project unit system
realWorldCoordinate deprecated
region Id of region, if any
screenShot Screenshot
seaBedLevel Default seabed level
startDate Start date of the project
uniqConnectionOnTypedSocket If true, only one connection can be connected to a socket
updatedAt Last updated timestamp
updatedBy Email of the user that did the last update
userRoles Object that contains assigned user role for each user
users Array of id of users that have access to the project
wellmasterConfiguration Deprecated
wfsConfigurationId Deprecated
wmsConfigurationId Deprecated


event.type is set to shape.

Attribute Description
subProject ID of subproject containing this item
name Name of the shape (label)
shapeType One value from: Box, Sphere, Triangle, Circle, Rectangle, Cone, Cylinder, Ring, Torus, Polygon, FlatTube, Tube
opacity Opacity of the shape, between 1 (fully opaque) and 0 (fully transparent)
x X coordinate of shape
y Y coordinate of shape
z Z coordinate of shape
scale Scale of shape, default 1
labelVisible If true, label is visible
labelSize Label font size
labelOffsetX Label X offset
labelOffsetY Label Y offset
labelZAlign Align label to top
labelColor Label color, e.g. "#FFF"
color Shape color, e.g. "#0000FF"
visible If true, shape is visible
metaDataValue An array of IDs of attached metadata values
rotation.x 3D rotation of shape
rotation.y 3D rotation of shape
rotation.z 3D rotation of shape
stagedAsset Optional staged asset ID to snap to
connection Optional connection ID to snap to
smoothTubeEnds Rendering options
doNotCrossBathy Rendering options
stickToBathy Rendering options
invertClippingMask Rendering options
useAsDepthMask Rendering options
smoothPolygonEdgesEnabled Rendering options
useAsLight Rendering options
lightIntensity Rendering options
spotlightDecay Rendering options
pointLightDecay Rendering options
spotlightPenumbra Rendering options
shadowMappingEnabled Rendering options
outlineColor Rendering options
outlineOpacity Rendering options
outlineRender Rendering options
outlineRenderAsMesh Rendering options
outlineRenderAsMeshRadius Rendering options
outlineRenderAsMeshLightingEnabled Rendering options
shadingEnabled Rendering options
textureEnabled Rendering options
textureScale Rendering options
localParallaxMappingHeightScale Rendering options
textureEdgeFade Rendering options
assetAlignment Asset snap options
connectionOffset Connection snap options
connectionLength Connection snap options
connectionRadius Connection snap options
connectionRelativeToEnd Connection snap options
connectionCoversEntire Connection snap options
lineThickness shapeType specific attributes
boxWidth shapeType specific attributes
boxHeight shapeType specific attributes
boxDepth shapeType specific attributes
sphereRadius shapeType specific attributes
circleRadius shapeType specific attributes
rectangleWidth shapeType specific attributes
rectangleHeight shapeType specific attributes
coneRadius shapeType specific attributes
coneHeight shapeType specific attributes
cylinderRadiusTop shapeType specific attributes
cylinderRadiusBottom shapeType specific attributes
cylinderHeight shapeType specific attributes
ringInnerRadius shapeType specific attributes
ringOuterRadius shapeType specific attributes
torusRadius shapeType specific attributes
torusThickness shapeType specific attributes
triangleWidth shapeType specific attributes
triangleHeight shapeType specific attributes
isLocked shapeType specific attributes
polyIs3D shapeType specific attributes
polyOuterRing shapeType specific attributes
polyInnerRings shapeType specific attributes

Staged Asset

event.type is set to stagedAsset.

Attribute Description
asset Id of the asset (representation) of the staged asset
assetData Information about the asset Name of the asset
assetData.description Description of the asset
assetData.category Asset category
assetData.subCategory Asset sub category
assetData.subType Asset sub type
assetData.kind Asset sub type
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
costObject Cost definition
costObject.value Cost value
costObject.currency Currency of the cost
costObject.entries Array of cost entry for cost breakdown
costObject.entries[].cost Cost of the entry
costObject.entries[].description Entry description
costObject.entries[].item Item vendor id
costObject.entries[].notes User note
costObject.entries[].number Part number
costObject.entries[].quantity Number of items (Cost is multiplied by)
costObject.costPerDay Define cost per day (for activity only)
costObject.currency Define currency, taken from the list described in account/project
created Creation date
creator Creator email
custom (deprecated)
customResults Custom results are set by integrations using the Legacy API and allows an integration to display some data relative to the element
havePerAssetSockets If true the staged asset contains it own set of sockets
hiddenLabel If true the label is hidden
initialState Set of states (position, etc.) for the staged asset
initialState.height Height of the staged asset
initialState.opacity Opacity of the staged asset
initialState.rotation Heading of the staged asset
initialState.scale Scale of the staged asset
initialState.well Id of the well the staged asset is connected to, if any
initialState.width Width of the staged asset
initialState.x X real world coordinate of the staged asset
initialState.y Y real world coordinate of the staged asset
isInactive true if the staged asset is not in use anymore
isLocked If locked, the element cannot be edited anymore
isValidForCost true if this element should be used for computing cost
metaDataValue Contains an array of id of meta data value
name Name of the staged asset
perAssetParams Parameters for the staged asset
perAssetParams.fontSize Font size for displaying label
perAssetSockets2d If havePerAssetSockets is true, array of definition of socket
perAssetSockets2d[].name Name of the socket, used in fromSocket and toSocket when connecting a connection to the staged asset
perAssetSockets2d[].x X offset of the socket, relative to the center of the asset
perAssetSockets2d[].y Y offset of the socket, relative to the center of the asset
perAssetSockets2d[].z z offset of the socket, relative to the center of the asset
perAssetSockets2d[].types array of type for the socket. Only the first item is used
port Id of the port the staged asset is docked to, if any
renderOrder Render order for the rendering
showCustomResults true custom results are visible
showMetaInfo true if meta data info box is visible
socketMetaDataValue Array of meta data values for sockets
status Status of the staged asset. This is used by the integration to display visual information about a connection. Value can be warning, danger, primary, success
subProject "-MAR0MZqqqk-Tel75u4V"
tags Array of tags
textColor Color to use for render label
visible Define staged asset visibility
wellmasterConfiguration deprecated

Sub Project

event.type is set to subProject.

Attribute Description
backgroundColor Background color of the project
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
connectionAngleVisible Global setting, indicate if angle between connection point are visible
created Creation date
creator Creator email
description Description of the sub project
globalDepthScale Depth scale
gridColor Color of the grid
gridNotVisible If true, do not render the grid
locked if true, sub project is locked and user cannot make any modification
lockedBy email of the user who locked the sub project
name Name of the sub project
project id of the parent project
seabedTextureName deprecated
sunDirection Direction of the sun for 3D rendering
updatedAt Last update timestamp
updatedBy Email of the user that did the last update
viewDependantScale If true, use dynamic scaling (scale is dependant of zoom)
wfsConfiguration deprecated

Text Layer

event.type is set to overlay.

Attribute Description
x X position
y Y position
z Z position
subProject ID of the sub project that contains this text
text Text to be displayed
rotation Rotation in radians
color Foreground (text) color, e.g. "#FFF"
backgroundColor Background color
backgroundOpacity Background opacity, 0 to 1
faceCamera True to ignore rotation and face the viewer
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
fontSize Font size
tags Array of tags
visible True when visible
viewDependantScale True to enable dynamic scaling

View Point

event.type is set to bookmark.

Attribute Description
camera if is3D is set to true, contains the camera definition of the bookmark 3d position where the camera is looking at
camera.fov field of view, in degree, of the camera
camera.from 3d position of where the camera is located
camera.viewBox Camera view box in 2D. Same as viewBox attribute
clonedFroms Array of ids that describes the parents this element was cloned from
created Creation date
creator Creator email
is3D indicate if the bookmark was taken from the 3D view of the 2D view
name name of the bookmark
subProject id of the sub project that contains this bookmark
viewBox View bounding box of the bookmark


event.type is set to well.

Attribute Description
activeWellBore Id of the active bore
canBeDrag If true, user can move the well by dragging it
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
color Rendering color of the well
created Creation date
creator Creator email
fontSize Label font size
isInactive true if the well is in not in use anymore
kind Id of the well type. These are defined in the account settings
labelOffsetX X offset of the label, relative to the well position
labelOffsetY Y offset of the label, relative to the well position
labelRotation Label rotation
labelVisible If true label is visible
metaDataValue Contains an array of id of meta data value
name Label / name of the well
radius Display radius
radiusViewDependant Dynamic scale of the radius according to the zoom
referenceLevel reference level of the well. Can be set to sea, rkb or seabed. sea set initial depth to 0, rkb set inital depth to rkb attribute, seabed set inital depth to touch down ( height sampling ) value.
rkb if referenceLevel is set to rkb initial depth will be using this value
subProject Id of the sub project that contains this well
tags Array of tags
visible Define well visibility
x Top hole X Position
y Top hole Y position

Well Bore

event.type is set to wellBore.

Attribute Description
casingShoes Array of casing shoes
clonedFroms Array of ids that describe the parents this element was cloned from
name Name of the bore
path Array of 3D point. Z value depends on referenceLevel set on the parent well
path[].x x value of the point
path[].y x value of the point
path[].z x value of the point
tags Array of tags
targets Array of 2 target points. First point is reservoir penetration point. Second point is entry inside the reservoir
metaDataValue Contains an array of id of meta data value
kind Id of the well bore type. These are defined in the account settings
subProject Id of the sub project that contains this well bore
well Id of the parent well

Well Bore Segment

event.type is set to wellBoreSegment.

Attribute Description
wellBore ID of parent well bore
subProject ID of subproject containing this item
name Name of the segment (label)
length Length of the segment in the project unit
opacity Opacity of the segment, between 1 (fully opaque) and 0 (fully transparent)
startOffset Starting point of the segment from the well bore's initial point (when relativeToEnd is false)
thickness Rendering thickness
visible If true, segment is visible
relativeToEnd If true, startOffset is from the well bore's end point
labelVisible If true, label is visible
labelSize Label font size
labelOffsetX Label X offset
labelOffsetY Label Y offset
metaDataValue An array of IDs of attached metadata values

Communication from integration to FieldTwin

Integrations are able to call functions in FieldTwin using the postMessage mechanism.

To do this, use postMessage on the window.parent object within the integration client.

    event: 'getProjectData',

The results, if any, will then be sent from FieldTwin via another postMessage.


Allows you to get some information about a project without calling the API. Set these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to getProjectData

The result format is defined in the projectData message section.

Calling getProjectData

  event: 'getProjectData'


Launch a cost computation on a cost server. A cost server needs to be defined first.

Calling computeCostUsingServer

  event: 'computeCostUsingServer'


Focus the view on a given point. Z position will be height sampled, and the provided z value of the point will be added to it. This means that if you set z as 100, the camera will be at position 100 + height sampled z.

Attribute Description
event is set to zoomAt X position of the center of the camera lookat Y position of the center of the camera lookat indicate the height distance from the center where the eye of the camera will be

Focusing on a point

  event: "zoomAt",
  data: {
    point: { x: 15300, y: 113105, z: 300 }


Focus the view on the given item. Set these attributes:

Attribute Description
event is set to zoomOn type of the item to focus on (stagedAsset, connection, connectionSegment, well, wellBore, wellBoreSegment, layer, overlay, shape) ID of the item to focus on

Calling zoomOn to focus on a well

  event: "zoomOn",
  data: {
    type: "well",
    id: "id_of_the_well"


Select and focus on one or multiple items.

Attribute Description
event is set to select array of item(s) to select[].id ID of the item to select[].type type of the item to select (stagedAsset, connection, connectionSegment, well, wellBore, wellBoreSegment, layer, overlay, shape)

Selecting and focusing on a well

  event: "select",
      type: "well",
      id: "id_of_the_well"


Clears the current selection.

Attribute Description
event is set to clearSelection


  event: 'clearSelection'


Request a JSON object that contains a cost server query of the whole sub project. You can pass a query id for tracking that will be returned in the reply costQuery.

Requesting cost query

  event: "getCostQuery",
  data: {
    queryId: "id_of_the_query"

The result format is defined in the costQuery message section.


Request the current viewport. The response will be returned to the integration through message viewBox.


This message is sent from the integration to provide information about particular item(s). This can be sent whenever the integration decides, but typically it is in response to an earlier requestInfo message. For now it only sets one metric:

Attribute Description
event is set to replyInfo
data.items array of object
data.items.[].id id of the resource for which to update document count
data.items.[].type resource's type for which to update document count
data.items.[].documentCount number of documents held for a given resource
data.tags array of tags that will be use by the subprojects
integrationId optional integration ID (e.g. the customTabId from JWT)
  event: "replyInfo",
  integrationId: "my-document-search",
  data: {
    items: [{
      id: "id_of_the_resource",
      type: "type_of_the_resource",
      documentCount: 3

If integrationId is not provided, 2 different integrations that send replyInfo for the same object will overwrite each other's metrics. Providing a unique value for your integration in integrationId ensures that your documentCount is counted separately instead of being replaced.


Display a temporary pop-up notification ("toast" message) in the FieldTwin Design UI.

Attribute Description
event is set to toast
data.type message type, can be danger, warning, info or success
data.message message to display
  event: "toast",
  data: {
    type: "success",
    message: "Win win"


Ask the host software to export the whole design as GLTF. The reply is sent as a blob through postMessage and needs special handling.

  data: {
    queryId: `[query_id_not_used_for_now]`,


Allow integration to request informations from a list of resources using their ids and type. The response will be returned to the integration through message resources.

Attribute Description
event is set to getResources
data.items array of object
data.items.[].id id of the resource for which to get informations
data.items.[].type resource's type for which to get informations
data.items.[].resourceType alias for type
data.queryId id that will be sent back with the reply
  data: {
    items: [
        id: "id_of_the_resource",
        resourceType: "type_of_the_resource",


Allow the integration to create a resource in FieldTwin Design. When the optional volatile flag is true the resource is temporary and will not be saved. This can be used to create display-only features that are controlled by the integration.

On success a didCreate message will follow containing the created resource object.

Attribute Description
event is set to createResource
data object
data.volatile optional: do not save the resource in the database
data.resourceType resource type string
data.attributes object containing data attributes for the new resource
  event: "createResource",
  data: {
    volatile: true,
    resourceType: "type_of_resource",
    attributes: { <object_attributes> },


Allow the integration to create a list of resources in FieldTwin Design. When the optional volatile flag is true the resource is temporary and will not be saved. This can be used to create display-only features that are controlled by the integration.

On success didCreate messages will follow containing the created resource objects.

Attribute Description
event is set to createResources
data array of objects
data.[].volatile optional: do not save the resource in the database
data.[].resourceType resource type string
data.[].attributes object containing data attributes for the new resource
  event: "createResources",
  data: [
      resourceType: "type_of_resource",
      attributes: { <object_attributes> },
      resourceType: "type_of_resource",
      attributes: { <object_attributes> },


Allow the integration to update a resource in FieldTwin Design. On success a didUpdate message will follow containing the updated resource object.

Attribute Description
event is set to updateResource
data object
data.resourceType resource type string
data.resourceId the id of the resource to be updated
data.attributes object containing updated attributes for the resource
  event: "updateResource",
  data: {
    resourceType: "type_of_resource",
    resourceId: "id_of_resource",
    attributes: { <object_attributes> },


Allow the integration to update a list of resource in FieldTwin Design. On success didUpdate messages will follow containing the updated resource objects.

Attribute Description
event is set to updateResources
data array of objects
data.[].resourceType resource type string
data.[].resourceId the id of the resource to be updated
data.[].attributes object containing updated attributes for the resource
  event: "updateResources",
  data: [
      resourceType: "type_of_resource",
      resourceId: "id_of_resource",
      attributes: { <object_attributes> },
      resourceType: "type_of_resource",
      resourceId: "id_of_resource",
      attributes: { <object_attributes> },


Allow the integration to delete a resource from FieldTwin Design. On success a didDelete message will follow containing the deleted resource object.

Attribute Description
event is set to deleteResource
data object
data.resourceType resource type string
data.resourceId the id of the resource to be deleted
  event: "deleteResource",
  data: {
    resourceType: "type_of_resource",
    resourceId: "id_of_resource",


Allow the integration to delete a list of resources from FieldTwin Design. On success didDelete messages will follow containing the deleted resource objects.

Attribute Description
event is set to deleteResources
data array of objects
data.[].resourceType resource type string
data.[].resourceId the id of the resource to be deleted
  event: "deleteResources",
  data: [
      resourceType: "type_of_resource",
      resourceId: "id_of_resource",
      resourceType: "type_of_resource",
      resourceId: "id_of_resource",

User defined message

For metadata of type "button", the administrator can define a custom message to be sent when the user clicks on the button. The message contains project and related item information, and event will be set to the value saved in the metadata definition.